CAGR Calculator - Calculate CAGR Online, Compound Annual Growth Rate Calculator, Return Rate, CAGR Formula & Excel

CAGR Calculator

Calculate CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate)

Percentage Increase
₹ 1,00,000
Appriciation Amount
Over the period of 5 Years your investment grew from 1,00,000 to 2,00,000. Its compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is 14.87%.

CAGR Calculator

What is CAGR ?

The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is the mean annual growth rate of an investment over a specified period of time

What is Starting Amount ?

It is initial amount which you invest.

What is Final Amount ?

It is ending amount which you get or expect after some year

What is Number of years ?

It is the period of your starting to Final Amount

CAGR Formula

Here is the formula to calculate CAGR(compound annual growth rate)

CAGR = ((FA/SA) 1/n-1) * 100

  • FA = Final Amount/Future Amount
  • SA = Starting Amount
  • n = number of years the money is invested for

CAGR Example

John has invested 1,00,000 for 5 Years and want to achieve 2,00,000. So annual growth rate to achieve his goal can be calculated as below

  • CAGR = ((FA/SA) 1/n-1) * 100
  • FA (Final Amount) = 2,00,000
  • SA (Starting Amount) = 1,00,000
  • n (Period) = 5 Year
CAGR Calculation Steps

  • CAGR = ((FA/SA) 1/n-1) * 100
  • CAGR = ((2,00,000 / 1,00,000)1/5-1) * 100
  • CAGR = (21/5-1) * 100
  • CAGR = (1.1487-1) * 100
  • CAGR = 0.1487 * 100
  • CAGR = 14.87

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