Interest Rate Converter Calculation | Easy-Calc

Interest Rate Converter

Reducing To Flat Interest Rate Calculator


4.91 %
Flat Rate
Flat To Reducing Interest Rate Calculator

9.16 %
Reducing Rate

What is Reducing interest rates?

The reducing interest rate on the other hand means that as a payment is made on the principal amount of a loan, the interest payment reduces as well.

Find Interest Payable

Interest Payable is 27,482
Number of month is 60
Loan Amount is 1,00,000
Flat Rate = (27,482 / 60) * 1200 / 1,00,000, (Interest Payable / Number of month) * 1200 / LoanAmount = 5 %

What is Flat interest rates ?

A flat interest rate means that the amount of interest paid is fixed and does not reduce as time moves on.

Find Flat Interest Emi

Find Interest Payable
Interest Payable is 50,000
Number of month is 60
Loan Amount is 1,00,000

Reducing Rate = (50,000 / 60) * 1200 / 1,00,000, (Interest Payable / Number of month) * 1200 / LoanAmount = 10 %