TIP Calculator

Tip Calculator

Calculate Tip


₹  50.00
Tip Amount
₹  25.00
Tip Per Person
₹  525.00
Amount Per Person
₹  1,050.00
Total Amount
Tip Billing
Date Tip Amount Number Of Person Tip Per Person Amount Per Person Total
27-07-2024₹  50.002₹  25.00₹  525.00₹  1,050.00

What is Tip Calculator ?

What is Tip ?

A tip is a small amount of money that we give to someone who provided us with a certain service as an additional way of expressing our gratitude. Apart from this, we normally also pay the stated price for the goods and services we receive. Nevertheless, this money usually goes to the owners of the facilities and firms that we visit, not to the person that serves us.